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The Navigators at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln was established in 1958 when Leroy Eims knocked on the door of the Sigma Nu fraternity house and started a Bible study. Today, the Navigators is a thriving disciple making ministry with staff and student leaders that are seeking to advance the gospel among students in the dorms, off-campus, international students and greek-life. 


The UNL Navigators is part of the Mid-America Navigators; a connected community of campus ministries across Iowa & Nebraska seeking to help students know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same. For a list of other Navigator campuses in Iowa & Nebraska, visit the Mid-America Navigators website.

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Who We Are

The Navigators is an international, interdenominational Christian ministry established in 1933 as an outreach for followers of Jesus Christ to help others come to know and grow in Him as they navigate through life – a goal embodied by The Navigators motto, “To know Christ and to make Him known®.” Whether you have known Jesus since childhood or you have a million questions about Christianity, we strive to be a safe place for you to wrestle with your beliefs and deepen your understanding of who you are, who God is, and how that impacts your daily life. We want to relate to you wherever you are at in life right now. There are no prerequisites or specific affiliations required to participate with The Navigators. We are an authentic and vulnerable community that wants you to feel comfortable to come as you are. 

What We Do

Our calling is to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of laborers living and discipling among the lost. We do this through Life-to-Life® discipleship (or mentoring) to equip others with skills and tools to advance the gospel wherever life takes them as they live, study, work, and play. We believe that discipleship is friendship with a vision. The Navigators desire to come alongside, live life with you and to help you know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same. In addition to Life-to-Life® discipleship, the following are practical ways we accomplish our goal: - Small group Bible studies - Investigative Bible discussions - Large group worship - Leadership opportunities and training - Weekend retreats - Summer opportunities - Short-term mission trips - Social events.

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Why We Serve

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23). The Navigators believe that people are born sinful and are in need of a savior. We believe that true life is found in Jesus Christ alone and there is no other way to have eternal life except through Him. Our staff and student team have experienced this life changing gift and want to share it with others – not only because we have experienced the joy of knowing Jesus personally, but because we believe as followers of Christ we are called to share the good news. Jesus came alongside a few ordinary people at a pivotal point in history and walked with them in order that they might know Him and make Him known. Our aim is to do the same.

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